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Why Caffeine Tablets are Better than Coffee | Prolab Explains

Why Caffeine Tablets are Better than Coffee | Prolab Explains

Posted by Prolab Nutrition on 11th Nov 2022

Caffeine supplements Why You Should Ditch Your Morning Coffee and Take Caffeine Pills Instead When it comes to caffeine, there are a few different ways to get your fix. You can drink coffee, tea, or even take a pill. But what are the differences between these methods? And which one is righ …
What Does Carnitine Do for You? Natural Amino Acid

What Does Carnitine Do for You? Natural Amino Acid

Posted by Prolab Nutrition on 9th Nov 2022

Carnitine, also known as L-carnitine, is a natural amino acid that plays an important role in the human body. Carnitine is found in most all animal tissue, with the highest concentrations found in heart and skeletal muscle. The body can convert L-carnitine to other chemicals called acetyl-L- …
​Supplement Stacking for Beginners & What to Look for | Prolab Explains

​Supplement Stacking for Beginners & What to Look for | Prolab Explains

Posted by Prolab Nutrition on 28th Oct 2022

If you're serious about your fitness goals, supplement stacking is a great way to help you reach them. When you properly combine your supplements, you can capitalize on their synergistic power and see better results. For example, if you're looking to build muscle, you might stack protein powd …
What are Amino Acids? Benefits & More

What are Amino Acids? Benefits & More

Posted by Prolab Nutrition on 28th Oct 2022

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and they play many important roles in your body. Your body needs amino acids to build proteins, hormones, and neurotransmitters. Amino acids are found in protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, and soybeans. Some people take amino acids in suppl …
​Glutamine Supplements: An Essential Guide

​Glutamine Supplements: An Essential Guide

Posted by Prolab Nutrition on 24th Oct 2022

What is glutamine? Glutamine, also known as l-glutamine, is an amino acid found in the muscles and transferred by the blood into different organ systems. Glutamine is a building block for making proteins in the body. It's also needed to make other amino acids and glucose. Glutamine powder might …
​The 6 Hidden Health Benefits of Green Tea

​The 6 Hidden Health Benefits of Green Tea

Posted by Prolab Nutrition on 18th Oct 2022

Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. It's loaded with antioxidants that have many health benefits, which may include improved brain function, fat loss, protecting against cancer, and lowering the risk of heart disease. Green tea is made from the Camellia sinensis plant and …