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​Supplement Stacking for Beginners & What to Look for | Prolab Explains

​Supplement Stacking for Beginners & What to Look for | Prolab Explains

Posted by Prolab Nutrition on 28th Oct 2022

If you're serious about your fitness goals, supplement stacking is a great way to help you reach them. When you properly combine your supplements, you can capitalize on their synergistic power and see better results. For example, if you're looking to build muscle, you might stack protein powd …
​Why Dextrose Is The Best Post-Workout Sugar for Recovery

​Why Dextrose Is The Best Post-Workout Sugar for Recovery

Posted by Prolab Nutrition on 3rd May 2022

After very intense workouts, you drain your stored carbohydrates (glycogen). Now, your body is ready to actively take the nutrients you ingest after your workout to use them for repairing muscles and restore glycogen levels in your 'starving' muscles. The market is filled with sports drinks. Ho …