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​Why Dextrose Is The Best Post-Workout Sugar for Recovery

​Why Dextrose Is The Best Post-Workout Sugar for Recovery

Posted by Prolab Nutrition on 3rd May 2022

After very intense workouts, you drain your stored carbohydrates (glycogen). Now, your body is ready to actively take the nutrients you ingest after your workout to use them for repairing muscles and restore glycogen levels in your 'starving' muscles.

The market is filled with sports drinks. However, one of the most important steps is to provide your body with fast absorbing  protein (whey) and simple sugars within your anabolic window. This keeps from breaking down any more muscle, and switches your body into repair, rebuild and recovery mode. The most important thing is that you get an easy to absorb simple sugar that is safe and ready to help drive nutrients via an insulin spike activated by a simple sugar. The recommended choice is dextrose. Taking in  dextrose immediately following your workout can help maximize your gains and drive nutrient uptake. There are lots of reasons to take dextrose post-workout, here are some great reasons.

Dextrose Is A Simple Sugar That Digests Fast

Each time you work out, your body uses stored glycogen as energy. Glycogen is made of long chains of glucose molecules that breakdown to fuel everything from your brain to muscles and organs. In muscles where much of it is stored, glycogen functions as an immediate reserve source of glucose for muscle cells.

After intense training, we drain all or most of our reserves. The refueling is necessary after your tank is drained. The quickest way to refuel your glycogen after workouts is to use a simple sugar such as dextrose. As a simple sugar, it’s fast digesting and is ready to be absorbed. Dextrose is a readily absorbed isomer, also known as D-glucose.

All Natural, Very Affordable, Safe And Pure

Most post-workout drinks tend to be expensive and filled with chemicals, such as colors and preservatives, and labeled with promises that are too good to be true. Why Dextrose? It’s specific type of simple sugar that easily digested and causes a rapid insulin spike compared. Dextrose is very affordable compared with so many other supplements. Plus, you know you are buying a simple compound that has the research to back it up. It’s a natural sugar that works, Period!

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Dextrose Helps Drive Nutrient Uptake In Cells

Dextrose has another great impact on sports nutrition. After a hard workout, it is critical to get the needed nutrients to fuel the muscles. To repair and refuel, lots of nutrients must be moved around the body. Insulin is famous for its many roles in the human body. As a hormone, Insulin serves in the transportation system for nutrients. In a sense, it helps nutrients from the bloodstream to the muscles to start the recovery and rebuilding process. The nutrients in the bloodstream are going to build up your muscle tissue and the insulin is the involved in the transportation from the bloodstream to improve your performance!

Because dextrose is a fast-digesting simple sugar, it helps to raise blood sugar (glucose) levels quickly, causing a fast spike in nutrient-transporting insulin into the bloodstream. It’s important to remember, high glucose levels from snacks throughout the day will cause insulin spikes. If the spike is from unhealthy eating, you will drive nutrients into fat cells as well.

Remember, dextrose speeds up nutrient absorption, whereas a slower digesting carbohydrate would not help shuttle nutrients as fast. Athletes need to start the rebuilding and refueling as soon as possible, and dextrose gets the job done.

Benefits of Glucose Polymers

Because of the proven effectiveness of these simple sugars as energy boosters, they are one of the mainstay ingredients for supplements aimed at bodybuilders and athletes. The primary reason for this is the fact that glucose polymers delay the onset of fatigue, thereby allowing for greater endurance during exercise.