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Beta Alanine or Carnosine? Which Should I Take?

Beta Alanine or Carnosine? Which Should I Take?

Posted by Prolab Nutrition on 1st Mar 2022

What is Beta-Alanine

Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid, and has to be obtained through your diet.

It is more useful to your body when combined with histidine because together, they create carnosine.

Carnosine is a lactic-acid buffer and deposited into cells for when the body needs to respond to changes in pH levels in the muscles.

You are probably familiar with the effects of acid build up in the muscles. Painful, it can reduce your endurance and stamina and challenge recovery.

When this happens, the body calls on carnosine stores to assist.

Carnosine blocks the process of glycolysis which is responsible for the production of lactic acid.

Beta Alanine and BCAA

Beta-Alanine Promotes Concentrated Carnosine Storage

Having carnosine readily available for the body is crucial to improved endurance, performance and recovery.

Especially during high intensity and demanding training.

You may be asking yourself, why not just take carnosine, then?

The body cannot directly store carnosine.

The conversion process is necessary for the body to properly absorb carnosine.

If taken directly, carnosine is broken down in the gastrointestinal tract. But when beta alanine is taken with histidine, the conversion occurs post digestion and bypasses the tract so the body can absorb and store carnosine.

It is recommended to take 2-5 grams of beta-alanine per day to reap the benefits.  Note that most people experience tingles when taking beta alanine. This is normal. Also called paresthesia, it is the prickling you feel on your skin after taking it.

Ready to create carnosine? Get some  Beta Alanine today.